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Our Stuff

When we get up and running, these are some designs we wanna put on t-shirts and other stuff we wanna make. Neither of us can really draw, so we're all gonna have to use our imaginations for now :)

Skateboard figurine thing

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This would be one of those two finger skateboard things from the early 2000s, but handmade by an artisan. We hope to have carvings and jewelry and stuff form multicultural artists, but in a way that's not cultural appropriation-y In the picture there's some sort of animal thing carved into it, but Chet can't draw any animals besides sea urchins, so no idea what da fuq it is.


World leaders doing a hug

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It would be really nice if world leaders just did a hug. I think if they're being honest, they both actually really need a hug, and that's something they have in common. That's what this design is about.


Sea Urchin Party!

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